Thursday, September 28, 2006

Do You Hear?

Hello everyone!!

Read the title ^. So, do you HEAR? Well, as in LISTEN... Cause' alot of people don't "listen". You see, i've encountered many, MANY people who don't listen. I've just met someone a couple weeks ago... and this person, is just a perfect example of one who doesnt listen! I mean, i hope you're getting me, but some people just can't stop talking! It's not that its wrong to talk and be sociable... but sometimes, its really "a need" to stop talking for a while and start "listening" to what others have to say. Alot of people just talk too much, in my opinion. You know, i once had a friend, who talked ALOT. I mean its not that im saying its wrong or something, but that friend of mine just wont "allow" me to talk. So talking in his/her kinda conversation is like, not talking at all! You get what i mean? Its like he/she does all the talking. Its just being so dominant. I'm sure nobody would like to be in "that" kinda conversation. And maybe that friend of mine enjoys it alot to just talk and talk and talk. I mean, i just felt totally "out" and bored. What kinda conversation is that anyway?! But i guess alot of people start avoiding talking to he/she. Haha. Seriously. I just read an article in the papers just yesterday. It was a good one. It just inspired me about writing what you are reading today! SO LISTEN! Sometimes, alot of us don't listen. Or maybe, we DONT wanna' listen. And when we start talking, we just don't wanna' stop. Now that's pretty bad. Cause' sometimes, when your friend tries to tell you something, and you just brush it off like he/she said nothing... its quite insulting. Besides, it may be something important. And the next moment, when you turn around, you might have just LOST a good friend. Well, i bet its not worth it. Sometimes, its just kinda unnecesarry to loose a friend just like that. Just because YOU didn't take the initiative to just listen for a moment. It makes a big BIG difference just in case you didn't know. And one more thing: Do you know that "listening", is actually a GIFT you can give others? Oh well, maybe you didn't know. But i've just discovered, it really is a gift you can give others just by listening! It may sound silly, but think about it. If you just continue blabbering on and on about yourself, you might probably end up without any 'good' friends in the end. Seriously. Haha. Hope you DID get my message. But i really thought it was a good one. So start lookin' out, try listening someday soon, and you'll discover it really DOES make a difference! =) Hahaz...

So have a splendid, awesome, hillarious, memorable, fun, enjoyable, happy, wonderful, fantastic....GREAT day!!!! smiles* Hahaz... Tata 4 now!!


c e e c h u c k said...
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c e e c h u c k said...

Hey gurl! Don't live a life to please people, but live a life to please God! Don't be easily discourage by people around you...instead you encourage them! But if you need someone to listen to, you've always got me..Big it up, Jan!

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