Tuesday, June 28, 2011

From Dream to Waking

Sunday, June 19, 2011 at 6:41pm
'This is how I distinguish dreaming and waking. When I am awake, I can, in some degree, account for and study my dream. The dragon that pursued me last night can be fitted into my waking world. I know that there are such things as dreams; I know that I had eaten an indigestible dinner; I know that a man of my reading might be expected to dream of dragons. But while in the nightmare I could not have fitted my waking experience.

The waking world is judged more real because it can thus contain the dreaming world; the dreaming world is judged less real because it cannot contain the waking one!

For the same reason, I am certain that in passing from the scientific points of view to the theological, I have passed from dreaming to waking.

Christian theology can fit in science, art, morality, and the sub-Christian religions. The scientific point of view cannot fit in any of these things, not even science itself! :O

I believe in Christianity [i believe in God] as I believe that the Sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because BY IT I see everything else.'

~C.S. Lewis
P.s. So plain, yet so true! So simple, yet so profound!

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