Tuesday, October 10, 2006

What Do You "Indulge" In?!

Heya wonderful humans! Oh... i do hope you are one of them! =P Haha...

Oh well, i bet you've seen the title up there. So, oh wait first... in case you were just beginning to notice, i actually HARDLY write about what i do everyday or... um... just like the other blogs you see. Its more of, hmm how do i put it? Its like i made up my blog here, to write stuff, like articles... its fun to write "stuff" that has a... um, "purpose" in the end. You get it? So maybe, just maybe, what you're about to read is not GOING to be a WASTE of time. Haha. Cause' you know, sometimes i read other peoples blogs, i dont find any reason why i should read them. Well, ofcourse its UP TO YOU to read WHAT YOU LIKE! Smiles. Yeah, definitely. For me, i'd "obviously" choose to read something that's "worth" MY TIME. And one more thing, i definitely, obviously, want to make you feel that reading THIS will be WORTH YOUR TIME. Get it? Good. XD Haha... I sound silly, do i? Nevermind then. Now lets continue...

Alright! Enough of all that 'rather, unneccesary "blabber"'. Haha. Well, back to the title: "What Do YOU INDULGE In?" Yes! There MUST be something in which you so called, "indulge" in. Think, think HARD if you must. Oh wait, um... do you actually get what i'm talking/typing about?? Maybe you don't. But like i said, i've gotta' make this WORTH YOUR TIME!! So, in a way... TO INDULGE IN SOMETHING, practically means, TO ENJOY DOING SOMETHING. Well, simply to say, "indulge" is just a "fancy" word to describe.. [hold on, i'm just checking the Thesaurus now! =)] humor, to spoil, pamper... ok, these words have nothing to do with what i'm talking about. Anyway, as an example: "I, indulge in reading." You got it? Haha. So its something like, i really REALLY enjoy reading. And its something i "pamper"/"spoil" myself in. There are COUNTLESS things in which you can indulge in. If you're a rich... "so and so"... maybe you wouldn't even CONSIDER fishing as something you indulge in. Well, if you were some rich so and so, you would be indulging yourself in food or expensive accesories, shopping, golf, scuba diving, travelling... clothes etc. Correct? Ahah! Thats what i mean. Or maybe you're still not getting me. Then thats pretty bad. Haha... Oh well, i seriously tell you, I INDULGE IN BOOKS! Oh, but not textbooks OBVIOUSLY. I can read all sorts of books. As long as they are interesting and again, WORTH MY TIME. Ah, ofcourse textbooks NEED to be read... But, that isnt included in my "library". Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... I bet if you're a person who indulges in books also, you wouldn't have "textbooks" in your "library", right? Yes! I know im right. =P hahaha... Yes, i know, i do hope that what you're reading now i worth your time, though. Anyway! Lets continue! So what DO YOU indulge in? You know, if i would do a SURVEY on this topic, i would go around asking people the same ol' question i'm asking you right now. And i think MOST PEOPLE would'nt be able to answer me CLEARLY. Hope im right this time! Haha... I'll tell you once i've completed my SURVEY... i can't believe i'm typing what i'm typing, but it really seems that this is a pretty good topic! Good for me, and you! Haha... Well, i hope you're thinking hard now. But if you've already got the answer... then thats VERY GOOD! At least you know what you LIKE TO DO. Oh well, i'll have to cut this short. I'll post another "article" soon. Haha... So read on! =D

1 comment:

Jo said...

Hey Janielle.

Books are great!!! =) I love them too. You should go to borders too!! once my exam is over (exam again!!!!!!!!!!) i am gonna spend some quality time with some reading. I recommend you to read To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee....FANTASTIC. take care and c ya .


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