Sunday, February 25, 2007

Heya extraordinaires!! I hope you'e one.. =)

Phew!! ... Yesterday was an awfully (but wonderfully) long (very LONG) and hectic day! I left the house at 9am and only came back at 11.30pm! But thank goodness, the day wasn't a dread. Can go YE mah... Then after that we rushed off to Grace PJ for the Saturday evening service, cause' my dad was preaching. Joyce came along with me. We were dozing off every now and then during the service. So sleepy!! Arghs*

At 8.30pm the Uth Church's Pre Rally started. It was good. Good good. Very good. =) Well, ofcourse this time, I wasn't dozing off la.. Hehe. We were jumping and praising so much during the Praise & Worship time! Or at least I was. No, we all were. Haha...

And then came today! Today went to Grace PJ again. No Uth Church. Aiyah.. Oh well, the service was great anyway.

Okie then, I wanna' go sleep now. Haha, just wanted to fill in a post for today! Whoopee!! =D

Deuteronomy 8:18 and & 7:6 was the Scripture for today. =) God bless!! Have a great day, and a wonderful week ahead!!

Love ME, and Jesus too. XD

*dozes off*

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