Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Hello my friends!!

I bet you've seen the title for today's post. =D So, read on! =)

Have you got ENOUGH of what you've got? I know you get what I'm getting at. (If you get what that means..) Haha. Well, ponder on this first: How long have YOU been a Christian? I've been a Christian all the days of my life. Yes, that's a big priveledge. But sadly to say, I only knew and encountered God, and experienced Him for myself in year 2005! And that's when I really understood. (If you get what I mean..) Think about YOU now. What have you been into all these years? Hmm... Lets wonder...

I've been up to so many things nowadays, doing this and that, plenty of things to do. But I'm not that busy, unlike YOU maybe. =D Haha. But you know what? I haven't got ENOUGH. (If you get what I mean..)

So, back to YOU now. How long have you been a Christian? (Wondered long enough?) Hehe.
Now here's the next question: What have you been DOING as a Christian? (I've been asking myself that, too. So its no harm asking you!)

Many times, we think going to church on Sundays are good ENOUGH. We think that since we've been to sunday school from young, and have passed that age and moved on, it's ENOUGH. We keep getting fooled by the devil that being a Christian is just about... about being a Christian lah! (As in, if anyone asks you what religion you're in, you say: "I'm a Christian." Then the anyone asks you: "So, what do Christians do?" And you'd probably say: "Um, I'm not sure. They pray... I guess. (Cause' I don't...) But I go to church. That's what I do. Pretty easy, unlike yours.") Ahuh, so that's what you've been doing? I hope not. =) Well, I hope I don't do that too.

Till now, the final question for the day is:


Aha, if you get what I'm getting at, (If you get what I mean..) then this is your day! My answer is: NO!! I'LL NEVER HAVE ENOUGH OF GOD!! I'll always be wanting more and more and MORE!! I pray that's your prayer, too. I haven't got ENOUGH! If you're desperate, you would be asking more from God yourself. And HOW exactly do you get MORE from God? There's just one simple answer. The WORD OF GOD!! Aiks, didn't you think of it before? If you did: wonderful! If you didn't: now you know! Hebrews 4:12

So let God's Word be your daily bread (Spiritual food), and you will surely grow in the Lord MORE!

Matthew 4:4
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Jeremiah 15:16
Your words were found, and I ate them, And your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; for I am called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts.

Colossians 3:16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom...

But still, we'll never have ENOUGH. So keep pressing on, my friend. We all MUST. =) Phillipians 3:12, 14

God is faithful,
Hebrews 10:23

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