Sunday, March 4, 2007

Hello hello HELLOOO!!! *blasts the loud speaker* =P

Heya beautiful people!

Woohoo!!! I had a great weekend this weekend! XD So, did you come for YE yesterday?! Yes? Then I'm so SO glad and excited for YOU! But for those of you who didn't MANAGE to come, its a sad thing, but I hope you weren't loitering somewhere else when we were havin' so much FUN & FELLOWSHIP yesterday!

Uh, yes, alot of exclamation marks huh? Good lah! That shows I'm much TOO excited for boring ol' full stops! =P

Yesterday's YE service was extra special you know... Wanna' know why?! Cause' it was the official LAUNCHING of the L.I.F.E CELLS!! *Cheers*

What are the LIFE CELLS? The LIFE CELLS are 8 special groups or cells, formed in YE, each with a leader and an assistant. Each cell has its own group members with the minimum of 5, and the maximum of 15 youths. All the groups also have their OWN group name! We were given 5 minutes to brainstorm for a name for each of our groups yesterday. There were names like: Revival Coast, Hello Kitty (?), Treasured, LOL, The K.I.N.G, Kiasu, etc. Larry also organized some icebreakers during the meeting of the cells. Ps. John Beh shared about DLD (Desperation, Leadership, and Discipline) from Daniel 1 before the launching of the cells.

The LIFE CELLS will be based on the theme of last year's GY CAMP 2006: L.I.F.E - Leadership, Integration, Faithfulness, and Evangelism. Throughout the whole year, the leader and assistant will be taking care of their group and integrating with the members. We will also meet up regularly with our group members when possible. And by the end of the year, each one of the cells would have had expanded and multiplied in size already! With the LIFE CELLS system now, things would be much easier in YE.

So lets join forces this year, and start the beginning of a new chapter in YE to reach out to our non-Christian friends, to grow more in God, and to edify and encourage one another through the LIFE CELLS! To everyone: John 15:16-17 and Hebrews 10:24-25

God bless you ALL!! For more info, check out Pinko's bloggie: (There are pictures!!)

- Janielle -

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