Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I went to stay in Berjaya Timesquare yesterday with my cousins: Justine, Jaedon, and Christy (and my sisters ofcourse). Well, it was simply "for fun", cause' Christy and her parents will be going back to Australia this Thursday. I took some funny shots. (Yeah, I've been using my dad's camera very often. Hurray!) By the way, our meaning of "fun", is creating havoc. Which we did. And you probably don't want to know more. =)

Christy and Janna getting ready for a swim.

We went for dinner, and Jaedon managed to get his favorite fast food. KFC. Gah, I really detest KFC. Its not yummy anymore!

Finger Lickin' Good! (In my opinion - so not!)

The night view of the city 25 floors up high.
And now, the havoc begins. We play a game of "hide and seek in the dark"...
The Seeker...

You must be wondering why there's a photographer if we're playing hide and seek in the dark. Well, I needn't tell you why. You're meant to wonder. =P

I look dumb in this shot. (This was a pose. =P No wonder I look dumb.)

This is also a pose. (No wonder I don't look as if I'm playing hide and seek. xD)

Poor Janna had no place to sleep, she had to find refuge under my jeans. (We were playing hide and seek lar...)

Terrified. (This is not a pose.) Someone caught her.
Jirene hiding under the bed!

This shot is upsidedown because I took it from the top of the bed. I looked under the bed to take the picture. Get it?

This is not a pose!
Pillow fight! Someone is trashed already (on the bed).

Jumping on the bed. We were seriously mad. We screamed and yelled and - I shall stop here. You can't really see the havoc in this little picture. (I'll never let you see the big picture. Never!)

This is a pose. (I told you, I can never pose without looking a bit dumb. Haha...)

It was Christy's brilliant idea. I told you we were playing hide and seek in the dark right? Her brilliant idea was to hide in the trash can.

Gone wild. Forgive me if they look incredibly silly, cause' they didn't expect me to post all this here.

Hiding in the closet.
Do you think this is a pose?

Another bookworm coming up! =D

In the morning. Now they look more decent (phew, after the night's havoc!).


I shall name this picture: Touch.

Which is nicer?

25 floors high!

Justine and I
I've never posed like this before. (Hahahaha... And I never shall again. Never!)

It was in the bathroom. The very moment I took this shot, Justine was shouting from outside: "Where's Janielle? Where's Janielle?!!" (I will never do this again.)

I would like to quote myself now. You know what I told Justine when we were heading back?
"True photographers don't take pictures of themselves." - Janielle Beh
True, or not? By the way, if you were thinking I'm not a true photograper because I was posing in the bathroom... You're wrong man. Mind you, the bathroom poses were simply "examples" to relate to this quote! =P

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