Saturday, February 28, 2009

Music Mania

Whoopee, guess what, I’m earning some good money! My violin teacher Ms. Carrington approached me last week and asked if I would like to give piano lessons to a Year 9 student cause’ the school’s piano classes were full already. I was actually surprised that she would think of me! I was thrilled at the opportunity at hand, and I told Ms. Carrington that I’ll think about it.

Later on, I found out who the Year 9 student was – she’s a German girl by the name of Emily, and I had actually met her at the swimming carnival earlier this month. Emily will only be here until July. She had followed her dad on a working trip since last October. So I thought it’ll be pretty worth while teaching her piano while she’s here.

Emily will pay me 30 dollars for each lesson. How awesome is that? If I worked in Subway, I would have only earned 8 dollars an hour. But as my parents have always told me, with a music skill, you can earn triple the amount just by doing what you do best! Now I understand what they’ve been talking about. Haha. I’m really very thankful to be given such an opportunity!

So we had our first lesson this Wednesday at lunch time. It was quite fun, and thankfully not that difficult since Emily already knows how to play the piano. She had stopped learning some time ago. And I think it’s really good for me as well because I’m also learning a lot when I’m suddenly switched to playing “teacher”. Haha.

My parents also want me to teach Jirene piano now instead of having to look for a piano teacher and pay the extra money. Well “naturally”, I’m very impatient when it comes to teaching my own sisters. I end up being quite nasty. xD I’m really sorry about it, but it’s just difficult when you try to teach a family member. Haha. Well oh well, I’ll try to be better at it.

And oh did I tell you, Janna has opted to learn violin as well! She tried it out at the school’s Music Expo – an event where all the students get to try all sorts of instruments and choose one or two to learn at school. It was really cool! I’m still thinking about learning a third instrument (it will be for free), which might be saxophone, clarinet, or viola. But I’m weighing the pros and cons because I am already committed to focus a lot of time on piano and violin.

Right after House Music, the school started running rehearsals for the many stage bands, choirs, and orchestras. It’s quite crazy. I’ll be involved in the Senior Strings Orchestra and the Symphony Orchestra. Man, it’s pretty difficult (well, what’s not?). Ms. Carrington had just put my name in and I managed to duck the audition with the Music Director. xD So I guess if my teacher has confidence that I can do it, I’m sure I can.

Being a part of an orchestra is a new thing for me. House Music was a much smaller scale. It feels like the little part you’re playing doesn’t really matter since the group is so big… But I’m sure that every little sound contributes that bit of zest to the whole piece. I’m really happy that nearly all the friends I’ve been hanging out with are involved in music. So I have good company at the orchestras. What's more a few of them are above grade 6 in violin, so I get to learn from them. :D Haha, as much as I feel small and inexperienced, I still relish the opportunity!

Yeah I know, I’ve been talking too much about my music life. Does it sound boring already? Haha. But really, playing music makes up so much of my life! I’m actually sacrificing lunch time each day to practice piano. I have to. It sounds mad, but I guess it’s a sacrifice worth making in order to be better than good!

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